Welcome to Zero Reasons Why®
Eastern Jackson County

Local Mental Health Center
24/7 Crisis Phone Line
(888) 279-8188
Teen Council Information
Teen Council sign-ups are accepted year-round. High school students from public, private and home schools are eligible. Multiple students from the same school can participate together.
Teen Council members determine how much time they can dedicate to the campaign. The council meets once a month to work on campaign efforts. They also participate in various community events, lead activities in their own high schools and join committees related to campaign efforts that most interest them.
If you’re interested in joining the Zero Reasons Why® Eastern Jackson County Teen Council, fill out the form below. A member of the campaign team will contact you via email to finish the sign-up process.
Teen Council Interest Form
Please use an email address you routinely check, as initial communication will be conducted via email. How would you like to help the campaign?