DISCUSSION – Ideas for Video Content

  • “This is how I practice self care!” Take a selfie video showing other teens what you do to promote your own mental health
  • Record a message of encouragement related to college decisions, such as “Where you do or don’t get accepted to college doesn’t define you, “Its important to check-in with yourself and others while in the college application process,” etc.
  • A general encourage to teens to get off their phones and go outside for a few minutes
  • Encourage teens set a timer and a short time to breathe, practice mindfulness, gratitude, etc. The goal is to break up our days with short but intentional moments of self-care
  • We ended by discussing the possibility of scheduling a filming day at a school, or at some other public place. This is an ongoing discussion that we hope to have schedule by the beginning of March


Storytelling Committee

  • We discussed the possibility of collaborating with school newspapers/media teams to share stories in school
  • We also discussed ways to Involve more art in storytelling, which included encouraging teens to share drawings, poems, songs, etc. about mental health that can be shared on our social channels
  • We also discussed the possibility of hosting a mental health art exhibit sometime this semester. Date and location are pending, but Tyler’s House in May seems like the best option. We are hoping to have this schedule by the March TC meeting
  • We began to explore some ways we can include anonymous sharing in our content. This is an easy way to generate content and engage teens that bypasses the need for release forms. This could include:
    • Filming someone’s hand writing out a story/encouraging quote
  • Collecting quotes and names to share with graphics, but not photos
  • We explored the possibility of creating QR code “business cards” that would direct teens to the release form on our website. This is a way we could possibly make collecting release forms for stories easier, and would allow teens who are collecting stories in their schools to not have to worry about handing out release forms or collecting contact information
  • Finally, we discussed what kind of videos we could film in schools. Possibly at our March filming day. This included:
  • One minute video collage of 3-5 teens answering 1 interview question
  • A video of two teens casually talking about an issue related to mental health, focusing on peer-to-peer encouragement and relatability
  • Finally, we settled on tentative monthly goals and some to-dos, to be implemented in February. This is a work in progress, but so far tentatively includes:
    • 6-10 HONY/”traditional” ZRW stories per month
    • 1-2 60 Second videos per month

Our to-dos included:

  • Finalize monthly goals with teens + Omar. Be ready to begin work by February TC meeting
  • Set up time for Davis to meet with committee members for a training session on how to interview, and a time for a professional from JCMH for some interview safety training, if necessary

Middle School Committee

Our Middle School Committee discussed hosting a middle school spirit week. This would include various mental health related events throughout the week that would culminate in the middle school committee doing a presentation for the middle schoolers on Friday Some ideas included:

  • Teachers coming up with various mental health activities throughout the week, building some excitement for the presentation on Friday
  • Doing a “social media takeover” at the middle school, where either teachers or Middle School Committee members would take over the schools Instagram page and post fun mental health related content throughout the day
  • We settled on 3 phases to the mental health presentation on Friday. They are:
    • Debunk mental health myths
    • Ways to improve your own mental health
    • Mental health resources to take advantage of
  • Finally, we discussed encouraging the middle schoolers to make mental health artwork through the week, and perhaps end the week with an exhibit


We ended our time by discussing other action steps, particularly related to increasing participation on the campaign

  • Explore if we can make NHS an incentive for participation.
  • Encourage TC members to reach out on GroupMe with calls to action, including making a poll for which committee teens on GroupMe would be interested in joining, as well as calls for participation in any our TC meetings and other events we might be hosting or participating in